Where do you go to get your inspiration? Here is where I go to get mine.

1. I read a lot – books, articles, blog posts, websites, people’s tweets, etc.

2. I watch a lot of different things, not just movies, but also TED talks, comedy shows, documentaries, old movies, art movies, interview videos, case studies, videos on Instagram, etc. Inspiration can also come from aspiration. When you watch videos about something or someone you aspire to have or become, you feel inspired to do more, be more, to be a better, to be successful, to be like THAT guy! You feel inspired and driven to achieve.

3. I go to different events all the time. Everyone is different and everyone’s experience and opinions are different. If you are open and receptive to listening and understanding, you will learn something new, something interesting, something that inspires you. Just make sure you keep an open mind and you talk to people, genuinely want to get to know other people and listen.ddtalksmedia

4. I meet new people, talk to randoms and interesting people I see at events, etc. Sometimes I even get inspired by looking at other people’s linkedin – seeing what they’ve been up do, what they’ve done, what they’re doing. It makes me think about what I’m doing with my life, what I want to do, and what I should do. It makes me feel motivated and inspired to do more and be more.

5. I reflect. Me time gives me time to think and reflect on my experiences and day-to-day life. Usually the Bing moment happens when you least expect it – like when you’re on the train ,or in the shower, or right before bed.



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