Just by changing your posture in how you seat up, walk tall or speak out, you emit signals of confidence. Unfortunately, we are still living in an era where low self-esteem, insecurity, body shaming, domestic violence & bullying continue to be prevalent. These are demises that we would love to rid our societies of. The “Hold Your Head Up aka HYH UP” Campaign seeks to do just that.
Meet Sharonda Grandberry who currently resides in Madison Alabama. She has a compelling story that speaks to the messaging of the HYH UPCampaign. We would leave you to navigate your way into the discoveries of her journey, many of which would leave you spellbound.
Her Story
Sharonda is a wife and a mother. She lost her father to suicide at the tender age of five. Her platform is Suicide Prevention, Self-Love, and, Personal Growth of others through Education and Resources. Sharonda is extremely passionate about self-love and personal growth which ironically has left her misunderstood by most. She however doesn’t allow that to bother her because she believes in helping one person at a time.
One of her major goals is to travel the world inspiring others to be the best at being themselves no matter the obstacles that they must overcome. Upon reflection, our #HYHUP Ambassador, Sharonda shares this:
“My obstacles were many and beautiful wasn’t how I always felt. The woman you see now is not the little girl of yesterday. It takes work to walk in freedom, inner peace, love, and truly forgiving those that have wronged you.”
She has come a long way. Sharonda has overcome tremendous amounts of adversity to get to the point of where she is now and that is, she loves the skin she is in! She recounts that her self-esteem at one point in her life was so low that she couldn’t even walk with her head held up. Sharonda says she was called names like darkie, blacky, fatty, and ugly. For a long time, Sharonda only felt and saw those names when she looked in the mirror. As she began to love herself as much as she loved others, Sharonda felt like an internal key of freedom was given to her and now she wants to help others find their keys and ultimately unlock the beauty that lies within them. She believes that everybody has a story to tell and each individual story has a different outcome. Sharonda has overcome homelessness; domestic abuse and low self-esteem. She has learned that beauty truly isn’t skin deep. There’s an added complexity to the external.
What She’s Made of it
Sharonda is the Co-Author of “Diary of a Ready Woman”, which introduces the world to the struggles she faced and overcame growing up. To survive without living isn’t survival at all but to survive and live again shows a resilience that’s undeniably a mystery of our faith. Sharonda has arrived at a point in her life where she fully understands that we are not the result of the circumstances we go through in life but the strength used to get through those circumstances is what defines WHO we are. She narrates: During those difficult stages of my life, she never QUIT! God was with her during each episode, incident, situation and circumstance. Diary entry number 10 titled “Broken Pieces on a Strong Frame.”
Sharonda thoroughly enjoys modeling, fashion, and art. She has walked the runway for several stores, designers, and boutiques. She is a Brand Ambassador, Instagram Influencer, published model, co-author, and inspirational speaker. October 2016, Sharonda was also announced as the overall winner in the Curvy and Fabulous model of the month on all social media sites belonging to Cynthia Bailey, star of Real Housewives of Atlanta. Sharonda was crowned “Miss Alabama Black Expo 2017. As the winner, Sharonda was allotted the opportunity to represent her community and participate in something she absolutely loves and that is “giving back”. Recently, Sharonda was named a top eight contestant in the 2nd Annual “Finding Ashley Stewart contest.”
We are proud of Sharonda. She’s an over comer who exemplifies the notion that we are bigger than our situations which are only temporal.
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* If you would like a signed copy, please contact Sharonda directly