SHARONDA GRANDBERRY Just by changing your posture in how you seat up, walk tall or speak out, you emit signals of confidence. Unfortunately, we are still living in an era where low self-esteem, insecurity, body shaming, domestic violence & bullying continue to be...

How African youth are creating a future

Young African business visionaries Young entrepreneurs are changing the face of Africa. I set out to produce a list of the 30 Africans under 30 years old who are making the most dramatic impact across the continent. To do so, in November I enlisted an outside panel of...
5 ways to get your inspiration.

5 ways to get your inspiration.

Where do you go to get your inspiration? Here is where I go to get mine. 1. I read a lot – books, articles, blog posts, websites, people’s tweets, etc. 2. I watch a lot of different things, not just movies, but also TED talks, comedy shows, documentaries,...
Warm Your Heart, Warm Your Mind, Warm Your Soul

Warm Your Heart, Warm Your Mind, Warm Your Soul

Keynote Speaker @ Women’s Retreat in Eastern Shore. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo....